06 May Shakedown #1 was a success!
This was a electrical / mechanical test. Gear is next. 240km around Banks Peninsula. We gave them a good thrashing on seal and gravel.
Had to bail heading up the old Le Bons track.. it was starting to look like our Random Spur epic (https://youtu.be/zmScjbtcSwE?t=1m19s) just steeper, rockier and more slippery due to the wet clay. Would have been easier with knobby tires! We decided the goal was to ‘Shake’ not ‘Break’ the Groms so took a small detour.
Only issues were minor. Loose connector on Vicki’s heated grips and the never ending issue with Vicki’s phone not charging on it’s Qi pad.
Got my first puncture ever. Very impressed with the plugs. Up and running in less than 10 minutes and no sign of a leak 24 hours later.